God made man; spirit, soul and body (3x)
Care for the whole man.
Healing to the body, salvation to the soul of man (3x)
Spirit liberation.
CMDA has risen to this call of God (3x)
Join the chariot now.
My part I will play this mission to accomplish (3x)
We are CMDA.
We the Christian Medical and Dental Students in various institutions of higher learning in Nigeria, having firmly and unequivocally decided to quit the life of sin, submit ourselves under the Lordship of ‘Jesus Christ’ and live daily for Him, deem it necessary to establish a National body that will foster unity among her members, promote healthy Christian medical and dental practice and in consistency with the doctrine of the Holy Bible present a unified say on issues of medico-spiritual implications, as well as stimulate, strengthen and build up her members towards the ultimate realization of the goal of ‘Training Christian Medical and Dental Students to Care for the Whole Man'(IThess.5:23).
The name of the Students arm of the Association is ‘Christian Medical and Dental Association of Nigeria- Students arm’ and of which the recognized abbreviation shall be “CMDA Nigeria- Students.”
Christian Medical and Dental Association of Nigeria- Students arm’ (CMDA Nigeria- Students) began as a conference, not a campus fellowship and this is what it is till this day.
It was founded on 16th September, 1981 at the College of Medicine, University of Lagos (CMUL) and was initially called ‘Fellowship of Christian Medical Students of Nigeria (FCMSN)’, from 1981 to 1982.
Then it became ‘Nigerian Conference of Christian Medical Students (NCCMS)’, from 1982 to 1991.
With the inclusion of Dental students, it became ‘Nigerian Conference of Christian Medical and Dental Students (NCCMDS)’, from 1991 to 2010.
With the harmonization and integration with the doctors’ arm, the name became Christian Medical and Dental Association – Students (CMDA-Students) from 2011 to 2015. The name was modified to Christian Medical and Dental Association of Nigeria- Students arm’ (CMDA Nigeria- Students) to appropriately reflect the harmonization and integration from 2015 till date.
Vision Statement
That God made man-Spirit, Soul, and Body, and He has called us Christians in the Medical and Dental disciplines to be proficient in caring for the whole man (1 Thess. 5:23b). Hence, the Christian Medical and Dental Association of Nigeria (CMDA Nigeria) seeks to establish a Christian witness through Medical and Dental doctors and students in every community in Nigeria and beyond.
Mission Statement
- To start and strengthen Christian Medical and Dental Association of Nigeria (CMDA Nigeria) chapters nationally through calling, equipping, fellowship and service.
- To establish and enhance Christian witness through members’ personal and corporate ministry in holistic care and in mission outreaches.
The objectives of the association are:
- To deepen the spiritual life of Christian medical and dental doctors and students and to encourage witnessing.
- To encourage, support and participate in the work of Christian medical missions at home and abroad.
- To promote, and establish bonds of fellowship, friendship and co-operation amongst Christian medical and dental doctors and students.
- To provide a forum for regular means of exchange of views, information and experiences in the fields of medicine and dentistry, particularly where these concern Christian faith and ethics.
- To disseminate information concerning and to promote discussions of challenges which arise for Christians practicing medicine and dentistry
- To support the special needs and activities of Christian medical and dental students and junior graduates, thereby emphasizing the value of their influence.
- To provide a regular means of exchange of ideas and discussion of matters of public health interest.
- To act as a voice for Christian medical and dental doctors and students in the medical profession.
- To encourage members to respond appropriately to emergencies/disasters and other related incidents within their communities.
The Motto of the Association shall be “Caring for the whole man: spirit, soul and body”.
1 Thessalonians 5:23
Our Passion
Our mission is sustained by our passion as future doctors to be different, our commitment to seeing patients as real human beings and not mere cases, our burning desire to be used by God to restore dignity to men and also reconcile them to their creator in the steps of the great physician and our Lord Jesus.
The logo has the following components:
THE CROSS: Symbol of Christ’s supreme love (John 3:16) and belief in death on the cross for our redemption and healing
TOWEL AND BOWL: We take our inspiration from Christ, the great physician. The example of Jesus’ humility in washing his disciples’ feet and wiping them with the towel wrapped around His waist is reflected in our logo (John 13:15-16, 1 John 3:16).
Purple is a symbol of ‘royalty’ into His great kingdom and into this profession (1 Pet. 2:9).
Green and White represent Nigeria and the peace we believe in: