That God made man-spirit, soul, and body, and He has called us Christians in the Medical and Dental disciplines to be proficient in caring for the whole man (1 Thess. 5:23b).

Hence, the Christian Medical and Dental Association of Nigeria seeks to establish a Christian witness through Medical and Dental doctors and students in every community in Nigeria and beyond.

The Christian Medical and Dental Association of Nigeria (CMDA Nigeria) is a network of Christian Medical and Dental practitioners registered with the Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria and students studying for the same qualification.

Founded in 1972, the association has since become a platform for nurturing medics to practice health care with a heart, and to provide leadership through various platforms in the health sector within and outside Nigeria.

CMDA Nigeria provides resources, training and member support opportunities, and a public voice for Christian medical and dental practitioners and medical students, as well as other allied Christian health worker groups.



God made man-Spirit, Soul, and Body, and He has called us Christians in the Medical and Dental disciplines to be proficient in caring for the whole man (1 Thess. 5:23b).

Our Mission

The Christian Medical and Dental Association of Nigeria seeks to establish a Christian witness through Medical and Dental doctors and students in every community in Nigeria and beyond. To achieve this, the core mandates of CMDA Nigeria are:

  1. To start and strengthen Christian Medical and Dental Association of Nigeria (CMDA Nigeria) chapters nationally through calling, equipping, fellowship and service.
  2. To establish and enhance Christian witness through members’ personal and corporate ministry in holistic care, health education, missions, and leadership in healthcare.

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Doctor chapters in Nigeria

Student chapters in Nigeria

CMDA Nigeria Global Network