Beloved brethren,
The month of June, which marks the end of the second quarter of the year was indeed an eventful one for us at CMDA Nigeria and our Global family respectively. We’re grateful to be witnessing the end of the first half of the year in sound health and in one piece.
As the nation gradually adapts to the current economic realities of the season, it is important to keep faith alive and remain committed to our mission of caring for the whole man. While we’re encouraged by the testimonies recorded through our activities (conferences, trainings, and outreaches) in our various chapters in the past six months, we trust God for the grace and provision to do more in the coming months.
Worthy of note is the ongoing building project at the CMDA Osun, Ile-Ife chapter secretariat. As progress is being made, we encourage all our members from far and wide to support the ongoing work in any way they can, particularly in prayers. Also, the Institute of Medical Missions (IMM) foundational course training commenced in the third week of the month. The week-long training began with the Northern Zone, at the Salvation Chapel, UMTH Nigeria. The call to missions is indeed one of the cardinal areas of emphasis for CMDA, and we believe that the training will equip all participants with the requisite knowledge and skill set needed for mission practice in the field of medicine.
In light of the recurrent incidences of industrial actions in the health sector, the Professional Development Research and Ethics team discussed the topic: “Interprofessional Rivalry: Causes, Implications, and Impact on Healthcare Delivery for the health sector” on the last Saturday of the month. The virtual meeting was facilitated by a legal practitioner and chairman of the Christian Lawyers Association of Nigeria; Barrister M.M Tumba, Principal, Integrity Chambers, Yola, Adamawa State. The discourse which considered most importantly the Christian Doctor’s response was moderated by our own Dr. Dubem Onyejiaka, CME co-ordinator, NAUTH Chapter with over 60 attendees. Details are available in the link (
The long-awaited Arusha conference has come and gone, but not without its imprints, impact, and beautiful memories of fellowship shared with CMDA brethren from different parts of the world. The theme- “Serving with Love in a hurting World” taken from Matthew 22:37-40 is a timely call to reach out to the nations of the world with the saving news of the gospel in humility and service. Speaking of conferences, the Doctors Zonal Conference for this year 2023 will begin in no distant time, starting with the Eastern Zone. Details of the conferences have been published in the events section of our official website: “”.
We mourn on a sad note the demise of our students, Odeh Grace Princess of JUTH chapter, whom we lost to complications from ill-health (post-surgery), and Aisha Celestine Ogwu of UUTH Chapter, one of the three medical students involved in the recent boat mishap. Until their deaths, both were clinical students in their institutions, and active members of CMDA Nigeria in their respective chapters. We wholeheartedly commiserate with the families and earnestly pray the good Lord comforts and strengthen both families in this trying time.
Finally, brethren, I adjure us to remain strong in the Lord and in the power of His might. (Eph.6:10). It is imperative, now more than ever, that we put on the whole armour of God; that we may be able to withstand in the day of trouble, and having done all, to stand.
Let us remain steadfast and secure in all we do, knowing that in all circumstances, we are assured of victory in Christ Jesus, if we faint not. God has been, and remains merciful to us; and He is able to make all grace abound unto us all, now and always, Amen.
Every Blessing,
Chima Ariel Onoka.
The annual Institute of Medical Missions training kicked off with the Northern zone on Saturday, the 24th of June, 2023 at the Salvation Chapel, University of Maiduguri Teaching Hospital, Borno State. Maiduguri. IMM is one of the special trainings in CMDA aimed at equipping doctors and medical students for the practice of Missions even in the field of Medicine. The Eastern and Western zones shall be having theirs thereafter, in the later part of July and September in Akwa-Ibom and Ekiti states respectively.
The annual Doctors’ zonal conference 2023 is around the corner. The eastern zone would be kick-starting the event in the month of July with the theme: “A Light to Nations”. That of the other two zones (western and northern zone) are billed for the month of August. Rivers, Ogun, and Kaduna states shall play host for each of the respective zones. More details of the conference zones are available on our official website: “”
Every four years, the ICMDA family gather together for a week of fellowship, sharing, worship, and teaching. ICMDA is made up of 84 national fellowships of Christian doctors and dentists. This year, the 17th congress, also marking the 60th anniversary of ICMDA’s existence. The theme for this year’s meeting was: “Serving with Love in a hurting World”: (Matthew 22:37-40). The conference was held in Arusha, Tanzania, East Africa with thousands of Christian doctors in attendance.
The very first meeting of Christian Physicians was held in the year 1963 in Amsterdam with 80 delegates from 15 different countries converging to share fellowship together.
The monthly virtual webinar hosted by the National Secretariat for the month of June in partnership with the Professional Development, Research and Ethics arm of CMDA Nigeria discussed the topic:” Interprofessional Rivalry among Health Workers: Causes, Implications, and Impact on Healthcare Delivery for the health sector”. The subject, which has been a lingering problem in the healthcare space was facilitated by Barr. M.M Tumba, a legal practitioner, Principal of Integrity Chambers and chairman of Christian Lawyers Association of Nigeria (CLASFON), Yola branch, Adamawa State, Nigeria.
The Secretariat staff provided technical support for the virtual meeting which was held via the Zoom platform had over 60 participants in attendance on the last Saturday of the month; 24th June, 2023 from 5-6:30 pm.
Details of the causes, legal and social implications, and the Christian Doctor’s response were discussed; and questions, comments, and contributions made on the subject during the webinar presentation are currently available on our social media (YouTube) channel: see YouTube link ( You can easily find all our webinar content on our YouTube channel if you missed any edition of our series. We encourage all members to visit our channel, like, share, and subscribe to get notifications of future or upcoming webinars.
The last Saturday in June was an eventful one for Our CMDA Global family. The United Kingdom and the United States of America respectively held their monthly virtual meeting, where members shared the word, prayed, and encouraged one another in the Lord.
We urge you to remember them in prayers as plans are being made toward their annual onsite regional meetings (in the UK and USA) slated for August and October respectively.
Occasionally, members of staff of the CMDA National Secretariat get surprise treats. The third Friday in June saw the secretariat team heed an invitation to visit the delectable Dr Ifeyinwa Amamilo; Director, Resource Mobilisation and Financial Control (RMFC), CMDA Nigeria. The team members were warmly received, and specially treated to a lavish brunch of dessert, drinks, and a movie session. It was an opportunity for the secretariat to unwind and a great way to end the week’s activities. Dr Ify graciously showered them with prayers, blessings, and gifts; and wrapped it all up in lovely family photos.
Both chapters of CMDA Rivers (RSUTH and UPTH) held their usual virtual weekly prayer meetings in the month of June 2023 on their Facebook platform. They each visited the Paediatric medical and ophthalmology wards respectively also for their hospital evangelism.
On the 22nd of June, UPTH Chapter convened at the senior staff canteen for her monthly meeting themed: “Called to Serve”. RSUTH chapter on the 27th of June 2023 had a Logo exploration session during their monthly meeting.
CMDA Cross-river chapter kept to her prayer meeting schedules in June. They organized a send-forth ceremony for House officers at the CMDA drive, UCTH business district and UCTH premises.
CMDA NAUTH Anambra Chapter held their meeting in the Clinical building and went for inreach in the Male medical ward of the hospital premises.
The chapter held a virtual general house meeting titled: “Workplace Excellence” facilitated by Dr Obilah via Google Meet on the 18th of June,2023. Members spent time together in worship, and prayers for the chapter.
CMDA Umuahia had her monthly fellowship on the 17th of June titled “Igniting a passion for the Vision”, at the Roots Café & Restaurant.
The month of June was quite eventful for CMDA Asaba Chapter. They planned a Wholeness mission outreach later in the month for the Hausa community in Okpanam. An onsite pre-outreach prayer meeting was held in the paediatrics basement of the FMC premises on the 16th of June. Their monthly meeting on the 18TH of June was themed: “Mentorship: The Master’s Plan”.
CMDA Sagamu, Ogun state held a prayer meeting on the at the Children’s Church, Reigning Christ Chapel.
Oyo Chapter virtually held its weekly prayer meeting on the 8th,15th, and 22nd of June via Zoom.
CMDA Abeokuta chapter held a prayer meeting session for Nigeria and the Health sector on the 8th of June, 2023.
LASUTH Chapter in the second week of the month held their monthly general meeting themed: “Integrity in Clinical practice as a Believer” facilitated by Dr Folasade Daniel.
CMDA Ekiti, Ado-Ekiti chapter held its monthly general meeting at the ART building, EKSUTH premises on the 23rd of June, 2023. They discussed the topic: “The Christian Doctor: A Nation builder, referenced from the book of Nehemiah chapters one and two of the bible.
CMDA Osogbo chapter, Osun state met for their monthly family meeting on the 16th of June, 2023. They discussed the topic: Christian virtues: “Compassion” at the Chapel of Hope, UTH was facilitated by Dr Babatunde Oderinde.
It was a month of training for members of the CMDA Benue chapter. A series of topics ranging from management of low back pain and scrotal emergencies to Stress management, current trends in the management of stroke, and acute pelvic inflammatory disease were discussed over a 2-day period which was worth 10CME points.
CMDA FCT Municipal Chapter met on the third Sunday in the month of June to continue their Logo exploration series at the Hospital chapel premises, National Hospital Abuja, Garki. Members shared experiences relating to the topic: “The Syringe” from chapter three of the Logo exploration handbook. The discuss centred on deploying, and handling the contents of the syringe; members being a figurative reflection of the syringe was anchored by the chairman of the chapter, Dr Joseph Edor and ended on a cheerful note with a group photograph session.
The CMDA Kaduna, Zaria chapter held three virtual prayer meeting sessions on the 6th, 13th, and 20th of June respectively. In the second week of the month, they gathered together for their monthly meeting to intercede for missions and missionaries at the CMDA Chapel.
CMDA Plateau chapter convened at Faith Alive Chapel for a breakfast meeting at Faith Alive Hospital. They discussed the subject: “The role of every doctor in preventing late presentation in oncology” .
CMDA Taraba held their weekly prayer meetings for the month tagged: “Men ought always to pray and not to faint” via the zoom platform.
Their monthly family meeting took place on the 17th of June, 2023; at the hospital Chapel premises. Members fellowshipped with one another, and the older and younger doctors enjoyed an interactive session with one another.
CMDA Taraba organized an interactive seminar session on the 20th of May for its members to share tips on financial intelligence. Dr. Gideon Avar was invited as the quest speaker. Themeeting had 32 members in attendance and was followed by a Q & A session anchored by Dr.Micah Obaro. Members were encouraged to generate creative ideas on wealth creation, keep a note book for jotting down ideas, develop skills, develop a savings culture and most importantly cultivate a generous heart.
1. Thanksgiving to the Lord for revealing His counsel through His Word. He has not left us ignorant – Psalms 119:103-104.
2. Praise God for every answered prayer of the past – Psalm 66:19, Pro. 15:29.
3. We pray for the grace to know you more, Dear Lord, to see you more clearly, follow you more nearly, and love you more dearly.
4. Let us cry to God earnestly to raise us men according to His standard, faithful and righteous men who will fill up the gaps in every place – Ezekiel 22:30.
5. Declare your availability to God, too. If He is looking to and fro the earth for men He would raise to fill up gaps, may He find you worthy – Isaiah 6:8.
6. It takes God’s Spirit to enable a man to stand before God to fill a gap. Pray that God would put a portion of that Spirit of His upon every member of CMDA Nigeria – Isaiah 61:1-3.
7. The House of CMDA shall continually be God’s institute for raising worthy men in the health sector and the world. Pray that God’s light will shine perpetually on this house – Isaiah 60:2-3.
8. Let us pray for the overall success of the fast approaching –
a. Eastern Zonal Conference at Port Harcourt: 27th – 29th July 2023.
b. Westen Zonal Conference at Sagamu: 3rd – 5th August 2023.
c. Northern Zonal Conference at Zaria: 24th – 27th August 2023.
d. Student’s National Conference at Lagos: 17th – 20th August 2023.
Pray for God’s presence, divine provisions, journey mercies, needed human resources as LOC & God’s strength, ministers to speak as oracles of God and divine impartation of souls – Pro. 16:3, Phil 4:13, Ex 33:15, Luke 22:35, Luke 10:17-19.
9. We pray Lord for a renewed passion for souls by every member of CMDA Nigeria – Luke 14:23, John 15:16.
10. Intercede on behalf of every family represented in CMDA Nigeria. May the Lord meet all at the very point of their needs: comfort for those who mourn at this time, mourning turned into dancing again, healing for all the sick, provision for those in any form of need, protection for all, wisdom for couples to run home and lives effectively at such a time like this – 3John 2, 2Cor 9:8.
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